Why we don’t really do “meal plans”

Pen and blank sheet of paper for creating a person's own healthy meal plan

If you’ve ever said, “I just want someone to tell me exactly what to eat!”

We see you. We hear you.

… but our program isn’t exactly like that. And here’s why:

First of all, in most states, only registered dietitians can “prescribe” someone exactly what to eat. (So if you see unqualified influencers on the Internet offering that service, do yourself a favor and run the other way. 🏃)

But secondly, and perhaps more importantly: for most healthy individuals, we don’t see precise “meal plans” (telling you exactly what and when to eat on any given day) work best in the long run. Time and time again we have clients come to us saying some version of:

My old trainer gave me a meal plan for weight loss; and when I stopped working with them, I gained all the weight back.” or

XYZ meal plan didn’t work because I don’t want to have to make different meals for my family and me.” or

Whenever I’d travel and couldn’t follow my meal plan, I’d fall off the wagon.”

When following a precise meal plan is what you rely on to get results… remove the meal plan, and you lose your results too. At fuelED, we focus less on “dieting” and more on sustainable lifestyle change - meaning you’re involved in choosing the foods and meals that make the most sense for your needs and lifestyle

More work on the front end? Maybe. But are you more likely to be doing the things you need to see - and actually MAINTAIN - progress a year or 2 years or 10 years from now? Absolutely.

Real life requires flexibility. We want to give you the tools and knowledge you need to make smart decisions no matter what curveballs life throws your way. Our clients see much more success when they play a role in finding the foods they enjoy that work for them - while also allowing for the inevitable things that come up because, well… life happens!

And just because we don’t offer meal plans as a service does NOT mean that you won’t be supported. We are very specific with our guidance and provide you with sample meals that fit your goals, recipes, feedback on your food journals, and plenty of other resources. We just also give you the tools you need to make healthy choices as you navigate real life situations. 

We’ll be there for you every step of the way. :)

At the end of the day, you have to choose the strategy that is right for you. If you’re set on paying for just a meal plan, there are practitioners who can and will give you that. But if what you’re really looking for is structure, direction, and support, and if you want results that last long beyond your time with a coach, we fully believe you’ll get that with our nutrition coaching.

More questions about our services? Check out the fuelED FAQs.

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