Realistic expectations for fat loss

Woman frustrated because the number on the scale doesn't reflect the weight she wanted to see.

When it comes to reaching our health and fitness goals, we’re often frustrated by what we believe to be ‘poor’ or ‘mediocre’ results. What’s interesting is that there usually isn’t a complete lack of progress; however, we feel this level of defeat because we either started with unrealistic expectations, couldn’t sustain our initial rate of progress, or some combination of the two. But unfortunately, the feelings of frustration make us give up before we reach where we’re trying to go.

Part of the answer: setting realistic goals and expectations.

Let’s look at fat loss as an example. 

How fast you can lose body fat depends on how consistently you can, or want to, follow the guidelines you are given.

Realistic Rates of Fat Loss Per Week:

Clearly, the more consistent you are, the faster your progress, and the more fat you’ll lose.

But note that there’s no value judgment hidden in this chart; no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ rate at which to lose fat. It’s perfectly acceptable to create a comfortable rate of progress you can realistically maintain. Even if it takes you longer to get to your goal, you’ll get there! And you’ll get there making fewer changes than what would be necessary to achieve reasonable or extreme rates of progress - which may work better for your current situation or lifestyle. 

And it’s important to keep in mind though that progress - in fat loss, or anything else - is rarely linear. It fluctuates from day to day and week to week, and that is entirely normal. 

So before you give up on yet another nutrition plan, keep this in mind: real progress takes time. Focus on the daily habits and actions you can take to keep inching forward, and the desired outcome will follow. 

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